Bjønndalen (Bear valley)

From a small bay in the landscape, Bjønndalen runs steeply from the sea up to cultivated land at Ness.

There were 2 former crofts – Bjønndalen and Sveet. Bjønndalen was in use from 1801 to about 1900. It was a large croft, where they had cows, 11 sheep and pigs. Sveet was a much smaller croft. It was built in 1865, but closed down before 1891. Probably only in use by one family.

Slightly east of Bjønndalen, on the rock knoll by the sea, a large square stone block called Bleiksteinen can be found – an old fish meè*

On the west side, high up on the mountain, the Seisteinen (the Saithe stone). This is probably not a fish meè, the stone is probably named for its look. From the sea the stone looks very realistic

The name Bjønndalen likely stems from some events whereby bear was roaming in the village.

*fish meè – a landmark used by fishermen as guides to fishing grounds.
