Homestead Røgrinda

This was a homestead under Røvika from the middle of the 19th century. The first to live here were Henrik Hanson from Sparbu, and Nella Jakobsd. Henrik was a carpenter. The next to live her was their son Hans, born in 1859, and his wife Anna. Around 1900, Hans and Anna bought land near Hogstad and built a home there ("Grindvold").

In 1902, Jämten (from "Jämtland in Sweden) Ole Nilson moved from Åre here. He married Margrete from "Håggån" (Håggåholmen / Jonholmen / Haugen leisure area today), and they had the place until 1910 when they moved back to Jämtland. Now the place was returned to the main farm Røvika, and in 1924 the place was merged with "Rødenget" and bought by road warden Jørgen Gran. Together with his wife Margrete, they built the farm Granheim, which was also called "Skogen".
